Max DPS for prot warrior? I've played Retribution since Reado more about Wow Shadowlands. Retribution Paladin - Crush the opposition Paladin changes for 5. Our Ret Paladin guides are always updated with the latest information from in-game experience, simulations, and logs make sure to check our changelog to this page, by clicking on View Changelog at the top Retribution Paladin is a very cooldown reliant melee-DPS spec. This Elder Scrolls Online guide teaches you how to run a proper DPS parse as well as improve and optimize your damage. Hello Guys, i am searching for a great rotation addon, at this moment i use hekili, butraidbots are indicating more dps than I can do with this ADDON. Retribution Paladins are a solid single and multitarget melee damage dealers. Download addons for your user interface, boss encounters, and more! So it must be me.