Use your sons to marry the daughter of some nearby kings or duke, with a big army.
With a little luck and sway (scheme), their opinion of you may be high enough that you can use matrilineal marriage, and your nephew will be part of your dynasty.ģ. This will ensure that one of your nephew will have a claim on the throne. Not necessarily the heir of the kingdom of France, but rather the other sons or grandson of the King of France. Use you daughter or sister to marry the prince of France. Furthermore, the husband will relocate to your court, hence you can use his claim to expand.Ģ. This means, all children will be under your house. use your daughter to marry someone with claims, using matrilineal marriage. The following tips and tricks are useful.ġ. The next step is not using your military prowess to take over france, rather, by carefully inserting your bloodlines into other houses.